Saturday, March 4, 2017

For My Aunt

My aunt was a genuinely kind and decent person.  Even though our paths did not cross daily due to living in different countries, I have very clear memories of my visits since I was a little child.  She taught me compassion and empathy toward those who have had hardships.  She also taught me that even when times are tough, to be strong and never give up.  I am so grateful to have had her in my life. 

Today on March 4, 2017, she passed away.  She had been sick for the past few weeks, and I had hoped very much that she would recover.  But unfortunately she did not make it.  I miss her very much.  I will never forget her spirit, her childlike innocence, and her patience.  I know she is in a better place, without pain and suffering, and is now with my grand-ma and grand-pa.  I hope they are happy in heaven.  God Bless you, my aunt.  May your soul rest in peace.  I love you very much.

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