Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Most Pressure-Cooker Sport

I don't watch many sports, so my opinion is limited to only those that retain my interest.  Today, I started to wonder...if one wanted to be a professional athlete, which sport would be hardest to succeed at and cause the most pressure.  It's not a one answer fits all.  I do believe that that the following five criteria would increase the pressures:

1) You are all alone and have to rely on your mental toughness to overcome nervousness.

2) You likely started very young and may sacrifice school/friends and being away from family.

3) Practice costs a ton of money

4) There's very little room for error

5) Your weight plays a very key role

I narrowed it down to figure skating and gymnastics.  I have huge respect for those who pursue a professional career, but never had the desire or dream to become one myself, because I don't think I would be happy.  But to each his own.  And kudos to those who pursue it, as long as it gives them joy.

Speaking of figure skating, the US Figure Skating Championships were happening this week.  There were some beautiful performances, but I must say, every time a skater attempted a jump, my breath took a hold, and I mentally coaxed them to land carefully.  The Senior Ladies winners were: Bradie Tennell (Gold); Mirai Nagasu (Silver); Karen Chen (Bronze); and Ashley Wagner (Pewter).  Oh, and by Senior Ladies, it means anyone 15 years old and older.

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