Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Poem: Oscars 2018

On March 4th - to be exact and right,
We will find out,
Which movies are deserving of an Oscar,
So that all those who worked on it,
Can go to a bar,
And celebrate,
While us average people will debate,
Why "Wonder Woman" was not up for nomination as well,
For if it had been,
It would have been really swell.

This year's nominated movies for Best Picture I have seen none,
Though "Lady Bird" is one I plan to watch,
Before this year is done.

Jimmy Kimmel will host this year,
I wonder how funny he will be,
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Ricky Gervais would have pushed the envelope more,
But probably would have been shown the door,
By those organizing this once a year event,
Which takes place in a huge auditorium and not a tent.

I find the Oscars very superficial,
But tune in,
Because it's sometimes mildly entertaining,
Especially when there's a song to sing.

So, I'll tune in for a bit,
And hope we are not subjected to dim-wit,
Where Best Picture will be announced by a wrong envelope,
It would be really dope.
This happened for real in 2017,
And made a ridiculous news headline before unseen.

The End

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