Friday, May 15, 2009

Forgetting Stuff

It is Friday evening, and I thought to myself, might as well get the laundry done, so I won't have it sitting on my head over the weekend. So, very diligently, I did the laundry, taking away the usual 1.5 hrs from my day....Sigh. Anyway, I just got back, and found that I had forgotten to wash a pair of pants and a top....DARN. Now, I'll have to wait another week.

I guess it's part of life that we forget stuff here and there...hopefully, it won't be something know, like going on vacation and forgetting one of your kids at home...Home Alone, anyone?....the ending may not be as pleasant as in the movie.

Then there's the usual leaving your umbrella on the bus, train, school or restaurant, and when you return a few hours later (if you can retrace your steps), you find it has miraculously disappeared...go figure.

Of course, making lists helps....but if you forget the list, then you're in a bind. Anyway, next week the pants and top are getting a excuses!!!!!

PS = please don't ask me why I like placing five exclamation points after a statement rather than just one....I guess I have an obsessive tendency to make a point :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Haunted House

Imagine you recently purchased a house, and upon your first night there you begin to hear noises but think nothing of it—until you see something that convinces you the house is haunted. What happened that convinced you?

Well, here's what I saw:
I wake up in the middle of the night, and hear a strange sound coming from floor panels....hhmm, I sure hope it isn't rats or roaches. Anyway, I first switch on the light, but then I hear nothing. So I turn off the lights again, and bring out my flashlight, and try to see if there is any type of movement appearing below. But there is nothing. Very strange indeed.

I decide it must be my imagination, and head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I haven't yet put on the light, but a strange glimmer appears in the mirror. I look up, and behind me I see a very light figure appear, as if from thin air. At first it looks like an angel. But then the image speaks to me, and tells me it is not an angel, but a ghost, and lives during the day under the floor panel. At night, it escapes.

Interesting, I think, and am a bit surprised that I'm not afraid. Anyway, I ask the ghost if I can help it in any way to move on from its ghostly life, but it says no. It likes being a ghost, with no responsibilities, and just likes staying in the house. It asks me if it is okay if it can float around at night in the house. I say sure, just don't do it in my room. It happily agrees. And so, till this day, it inhabits the house.

The End.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

If You Could be Someone Else

If I could be someone else, be it living, dead or fictional, these are the following selections:

Fictional: Apparently, most fictional characters I empathize with go through a lot of suffering and loneliness (at least in the beginning and middle of the story)....however, a happy ending is a must. So, if I had to choose a main character, I would pick Bella Swan in the Twilight saga series written by Stephenie Meyer. Unfortunately, the main character suffers a lot in the book, and this part I would truly dread going through, especially in Book #4, where physically she goes through a lot of pain and is close to death. If I had it my way, I would rather just skip that part and become the fictional character in the second half of the book, where she is turned into a vampire, and gets to spend eternity with Edward Cullen.

Living: Probably an actress on a soap opera, so that I can be paired with either Peter Reckell (Days of our Lives) or Steve Burton (General Hospital). I must confess I do not follow General Hospital, but that actor, Steve Burton is quite a hottie with those intense blue eyes and absolute perfect hair. So if I were to become an actress, hopefully the gift of memorizing lines easily is included; otherwise, forget it.

PS = today's blog falls on May 7th; this happens to be Peter Reckell's birthday....hmmm.

Dead: I wouldn't mind going back to 16th Century England (where I have a British accent), being well-off and married to a guy of high power and seeing where that takes me. Having a couple of healthy kids would be great, too. But please, no beheadings.....if you studied your history, you know who I'm referring to. If not, please see Richard Burton's performance in "Anne of the Thousand Days", and you will get the picture.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rewriting a Nursery Rhyme

A while back I had decided to rewrite the "Jack and Jill went up a hill..." nursery rhyme. Here it is. I hope you enjoy it...wouldn't recommend reading it to little kids; they may have a lot of questions :)

The New Jack and Jill

Jack hooked up with Jill,
He was with her for five months until,
He grew tired,
And felt his mind being unwired.
He was after all a Capricorn,
And felt a need to be reborn.

Jack often wondered if Jill was a sorceress,
Because if she was,
He wanted nothing to do with the miss.

Yes, Jack was a Capricorn,
He was incompatible with her Gemini sign,
And preferred to be dining alone,
Sipping wine.

Jack was fed up of Jill's sense of humor,
Oh, so dry,
And her habit of smoking pot and getting high.

So leaving her was his only decision,
He moved to Ireland,
And opened up a restaurant with a theme of fusion.

The End

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu

Whew, April, known as Poetry Month, is over, and I must say, it has been quite exhausting keeping up with the challenge of writing 30 poems for the 30 days of the month. I did try to write one poem each day, though there were a few times when I didn't, and so I had to write more than one in a single day to catch up on those missed ones.

Anyway, by now you must have heard of the swine flu spreading in different parts of the world. It is quite scary, and I really hope this crisis is over soon. I have been extra conscientious about washing my hands more frequently, and trying not to touch the poles in the train. Whenever I get off the train, I now scrub my hands like a doctor heading into surgery. Frankly, I can relate to Leonardo DiCaprio's role in "The Aviator," where he had this obsessive disorder about cleanliness.

Today, while doing the boring chore called laundry, I passed by the bulletin board, and saw an interesting posting. Took a quick picture of it...some people sure have a sense of humor.

Signing off now!