Sunday, February 25, 2018

Duck Sightings

Stretching wings
Earlier today, I took a walk by the river to get the blood properly flowing in my veins.  The pavement was still wet from the rain that had fallen last night, and the air was cold, damp, and fresh.  I love this type of weather.  It makes me very happy and rejuvenated.  I wish it could be like this year-round.  I inhaled deeply to awaken my sleepy self, and capture this amazing air in my lungs.

As I made my way down the path, accompanied for a few seconds on and off by a passing jogger, I came across ducks hanging out near the edge of the water.  They looked like they were enjoying themselves, taking in the view from the land, and occasionally gazing into the river to watch their fellow brothers & sisters swimming.

Taking a little break from swimming

I thought it would be fun to write a mini-poem from their point of view.  So here goes:

Ducks Deserve A Break
It's nice to have our webbed feet on land at last,
Because swimming non-stop and fast,
Makes for feeling fatigue,
And puts us in a league,
Of a burnt-out athlete,
Who's already gone through the Olympic feat,
Of winning Gold medals many,
And is now ready to retire with more than a penny.
So, here's for taking a break, with no dogs in sight to chase us into the river,
And make our feathers quiver.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Poem: Messed Up Food Orders

The food preparer put meat in my sandwich this week twice,
It didn't look very nice,
Because I'm a bit picky with my food,
I know people make mistakes,
And was therefore very calm and not at all rude,
When I returned the meal,
And asked for another one,
The correct one for real.

I don't know if the food preparer thought I needed more protein,
But right now, I prefer my food veggie and bland.
The wrong sandwiches had to be thrown in the garbage bin,
I feel bad for that, for wasting food is a sin.

However, the error was not mine,
All I wanted was the correct sandwich to dine.
Due to the error, the food preparer threw in my bag a little freebie,
Which I was happy to see,
Was healthy and simple,
And cause me to smile with a dimple.

Here's to hoping for no more messed up food orders to go,
For it's really tiring to delay the meal time flow.
However, I'm taking all this in stride,
And just going along with this tide.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Attempt at Making Soup....

It's a simple task.  Boil water, and pour the packet of Lipton Noodle Soup with real chicken broth into the boiling water.  Wait five minutes, then pour it into a bowl, and eat it.

This is what happened 20 minutes ago.  My soup was ready, and I poured into one of my favorite bowls....a red ceramic one.  I then placed it on a tray, and as I was ready to exit the kitchen, I balanced the tray against my chest, and attempted to shut off the kitchen light.

What happened next?  The tray, along with the piping hot bowl of soup, slipped out of my grip and crashed on to the floor.  The ceramic bowl broke into pieces (15 or so), and the noodles spread out all over the floor and on the wall.  The worst of it....some of the hot soup fell on my abdomen, right side and on my right wrist.  They both turned red and stung from the heat.

The first thing I did was change my clothes.  I put some cream on the abdomen and the wrist.  The skin looks a bit bumpy :(  Next, I picked up the shards from the bowl, threw it into a plastic bag.  Then I took a sponge, and gathered all the noodles in one big pile on the kitchen floor, and using my hands, grabbed as many as I could, and threw those in the garbage as well.  Then I wet the sponge, and mopped the floor.  PS = wet noodles do not feel good to the touch.

With my dinner in the garbage, I have now decided to eat some toast with cheese.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

"When Life Gives You Lemons....."

They say, "Make Lemonade."  I understand that one should take a bad situation that one is faced with, and try to find something positive with it, and deal with it as best as possible.

Easier said than done, especially when what you are faced with is just a crappy situation.  What I don't understand is that why sometimes bad things happen to good people, and why good things sometimes happen to selfish and cruel people.  I just don't get it.  It sucks and is very unfair.

I am working toward the "making lemonade."  I think the best approach is to try to take a step back, and think of what's positive with this situation, and/or try to do something to distract yourself from that lemon.

To finish this post, would like to leave another food for thought....instead of making lemonade, one can take that lemon and spritz it on salmon, and make it a savory dish rather than drinking a sweet-sour beverage.  Your choice.