Monday, November 1, 2010

This Year's Halloween - 10/31/10

This year I got into the Halloween can one not, when one is surrounded by vampires, monsters, and Lady Gaga and Snooki wannabees.

So I dressed up as a witch, and entered the streets, just like the wonderful Lady Morgana does, when she makes her presence felt in Camelot.....uhhh, anyone remember her from the Celtic Tales of Merlin?
The air was crisp and cold, the leaves where rustling, having turned fall shades of red, gold, and brown, and the wind howled the day and night away.

The Halloween Parade in NYC was wonderful.....the spirit of magic and extra forces came alive, the bands playing on the drums...well, it was quite a show. Of course, yours truly watched only for a bit, then the journey back was a priority, as this witch didn't have a broomstick to hop on to fly over the, she had to rely on human-used transportation, and so made an early get-away, as the crowds became larger and larger, and this little witch didn't want to get home too late. But this witch did take a few pics of costume goers who posed still for a few seconds.