Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Poem #24 - Another Cold Day

This is one cold April month,
We are on the summer hunt,
For a little bit of sun,
A little less of the rain run.

The End

Poem #23 - Plugged In Laptops

Some people like to keep,
Their laptops plugged in so long,
Thinking the laptop will never weep.

Overworked is the laptop with electricity,
When unplugged,
It sighs as if free.

Being plugged in twenty-four/seven,
Makes its life short,
And trust me,
This laptop's destination is not heaven.

So, take the suggestion to let it run on battery,
It will prolong its life,
You just see.

The End.

Poem #22 - Six Days Behind with Poems

Six days I am with poems behind,
Please do not be unkind,
I have been pre-occupied,
Just a bit,
But let me use my evening ounce of wit,
To play catch-up tonight,
Even if it leads up to next day's

The End

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Poem #21 - Hair Wash

How often should one wash one's hair,
To make it clean and fair?

Some people say once or twice a week is enough,
But I find it rather tough,
To leave it unwashed for the remaining days of the week,
So I go out more often and seek,
My bottle of shampoo,
To give my hairdo,
A little extra lather,
Cause I would rather,
Have that extra cleanly care,
For the roots of my hair.

The End

Poem #20 - What I'm Doing Right Now

What am I doing right now?
Well, it's nothing that warrants
A wow.

I'm sipping on green tea ginger ale,
While reading my email.

My iPod is playing "Monster" loud and clear,
My neighbors must be thrilled to be living so near,
To good tunes they are exposed this evening,
Perhaps they will get into the mood to sing.

The End

Monday, April 19, 2010

Poem #19 - The Overrated Salad Bar

People claim they are eating healthy food,
By stopping by the salad bar,
And ingesting all that is good.

However, are salad bars truly what they claim?
Giving themselves a healthy name?

The dressings for one,
Sure have calories,
A ton.

Then there are the cheeses,
With saturated fat,
Which won't help you fly gracefully,
As a bat.

Lowering the amounts of these two,
Will help you feel like brand new.
As a replacement,
Adding to the salad mix,
A little grilled food
Would provide a better
Balanced fix.

The End

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Poem #18 - Peter Reckell / Bo Brady

"Days of Lives" is a favorite soap opera of mine,
Enjoyable to watch,
It is like well-aged wine.

Peter Reckell is on this show,
Which every housewife would certainly know,
Since the 1980s playing Bo Brady,
A character of much integrity,
And absolutely nothing shady.

A kind and decent cop,
His performance has always been one of the top.
As he grows older,
His look keeps getting better and bolder.

A difficult life he has had,
Making many viewers feel very sad,
But his inner strength has been inspiring,
Nothing one would ever find tiring.

Bo was paired for many years with Hope,
A disgustingly boring choice,
To which I say "Nope."

Now Carly is back,
No more does the chemistry lack,
For soulmates are Bo and Carly,
I promise you,
You will see,
It's not just me.

At 1pm on week days,
See how this couple brings the sun rays,
To the TV screen big or small,
This pair will certainly have a marvelous ball.

So I do keep my fingers crossed,
That this pair is lasting,
And that this love shall never be lost.

The End

Poem #17 - NYC

Yellow cabs filling the street,
People moving quickly,
Not missing a single beat.

Stores are open until midnight,
Unlike the rest of the cities,
Whose doors are closed tight.

This is New York City,
Where people are indeed very witty,
Where fast-paced life is the way,
Almost each and every day.

The End

Friday, April 16, 2010

Poem #16 - Hershey's Kisses

Today I ate seven Hershey's Kisses,
As I realized,
Not eating chocolate,
What one misses.
Each one was wrapped in aluminum fold,
A blue, a green, a pink, a gold,
In my mouth these little chocolates I popped,
Which gave me energy,
And if required I would have hopped.

I believe I have one remaining Hershey's Kiss in my bag,
Let me make my way there,
Otherwise my conscience will nag.

The End

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Poem #15 - Black & Red Ink

I'm just lounging on my bed,
As I begin typing in red,
But then I think to myself,
It reminds me of teachers' corrections
Like those essays on my shelf.
And so the color is now in black again,
It's so much better,
As I don't need flashbacks of the school days
Back when I was ten.

The End.

Poem #14 - Past Midnight

1:07am is the time,
As I am sitting here,
And trying to rhyme.

Should I be asleep now?
Should as Madonna once sang,
"Take a bow..?"
But instead I am awake,
And no,
I am not reading
The English works by William Blake.

The End

Poem #13 - Is Spring Here?

According to the calendar,
Spring is here,
However, Spring appears far,
In reality,
Not near.

It is chilly outside,
More appropriate to take
A bus or train ride,
Than shiver,
While walking
Close to the river.

The End

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poem #12 - Sleeping Late

I enjoy sleeping late,
To have pleasant dreams,
That may give me a clue
About my future fate.

Sleep is best
When it is deep,
And when one is snuggled under the covers,
As a breeze through the window hovers,
Closely by my face and hair,
It's comforting like a cuddly little bear.

So long as nightmares stay away,
I consider sleep
One of the best parts of the day.

The End

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Poem #11 - Iced Coffee

I buzzed into Starbucks
Like a little honey bee,
And ordered myself,
A tall iced coffee.

My order in an instant was prepared,
As if the barista really cared.
I grabbed it,
And took a sip of the iced coffee black,
"Mmh," I thought to myself,
"Some milk it needed for some extra knack."

Whole milk I poured a healthy dose,
A sip I took,
Aahh, I suddenly felt very verbose.

The End

Poem #10 - "Changes"

"Changes" is a book I read in my teenage years,
It moved me so,
As it dealt with the unknown and fears.

The author is Danielle Steel,
Yes, it's women's fiction,
But really,
It's no big deal.

The book deals with decision-making,
Of a single mother involved
In choices that are life-changing.

Changes in life take a certain amount of embracing,
The unknown that one will always be facing.
Dreams and desires will be chased,
Upon which one's upbringing is based.

The ending,
Of course has a happily ever after,
The conclusion leaves the characters
And the reader in sweet laughter.

The End

Friday, April 9, 2010

Poem #9 - Preventive Measures on Rain

Rain drops came down rapidly,
And would have soaked my pant legs up to my knee,
Except I managed to step out when it had diminished,
For why get wet,
And have your whole day be finished?

In case it would rain again,
A rain coat I smartly wore
So that I would not be
Drenched to the core.

The End

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Poem #8 - A Cut on My Thumb

Yesterday's lunch was stored in an aluminum container,
Opening it up,
Was seriously a no-brainer.

However, I was a bit hasty,
Because the food looked really tasty,
And the container edge,
A cut it gave me,
And on my left thumb,
A bit of blood began to flow free.

Great, I said,
As I scratched my head,
While this was not my fault,
Now I must not let it touch
Any citrus fruit or salt,
For otherwise there will be stinging,
And trust me,
I won't be joyfully singing.

The End

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Poem #7 - Jarlsberg Cheese

Today I purchased a Jarlsberg Cheese slab,
Which put a total of $5.08
On my tab.

This delightful cheese is mild, nutty and buttery from a cow,
Once you take a nibble,
All you can do is raise your palms up
And say is "wow."

Jarlsberg Cheese originates from Norway,
And usually aged one year to this day,
Before in supermarkets being sold,
It is a light yellow color,
Almost like gold.

I love eating it with crackers or fresh bread,
With butter,
My, my,
The taste does go to my head.

The End

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Poem #6 - Top Ice Cream Flavor

What is my #1 flavor of ice cream,
Which one's tasted,
Feels like a wonderful dream?

Why it's coffee,
Nice and creamy,
You see,
but not too sweet,
The right balance
Is just neat.

I'm amazed how many calories,
in half a cup one sees,
And often wonder if it was accurately calculated,
Because sometimes the number seems way overrated.

Now for ice cream I'm in a mood,
But it's dark outside,
So I may just have to sit here and brood.

Oh, but I got my sweet fix with M&Ms a few minutes ago,
So to brooding I say no,
I shall wait for another day,
To go out of my way,
And enjoy ice cream of coffee taste,
Even if I must make haste.

The End

Monday, April 5, 2010

Poem #5 - One of my Neighbors

An elderly lady lives next door,
On the same floor.
She scares me sometimes,
And I'm not just saying this,
So this poem rhymes.

The elderly lady curses a lot,
I'm exaggerating this not,
She uses language fowl,
It often comes out as a howl.

To drown her voice,
I put on music real loud,
Because seriously,
I have no other choice.

The End

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Poem #4 - Jeans

Blue jeans part of my wardrobe are,
Do you wonder why?
It really isn't so bizarre.
They are comfortable and well-maintained
Whether it snowed or it rained.

There are jeans of different types,
They go with all kinds of shirts,
Be it with dots or with stripes.

One of my dark blue pairs is in the washer currently,
I can't wait to have them sparkling fresh,
I'm thinking with glee.

The End

Poem #3 - The Easter Bunny

Easter is today,
On a bright and sunny Sunday,
Falling as usual,
One month earlier
Than May.

A chocolate Easter bunny I received this afternoon.
Oh, I said,
This is quite a boon.
I would begin to nibble it,
At full moon.

Of rice krisps it was made,
I inhaled the chocolate scent deeply,
And said,
This sure made the grade.

It looked very yummy,
And with much gratitude:
Thank you,
Said my tummy.

The End

Friday, April 2, 2010

Poem #2 - The Gym

The gym is a place to work out,
To lose the weight,
Of excess food that entered your mouth.

Enjoyable to work up a sweat it is not,
But if to keep in shape is sought,
then that is the only shot.

So I attempt to go weekly twice,
Even though,
I'd much rather be eating
Chicken Souvlaki with rice.

The End

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poem #1 - Poetry Month

Poetry Month is again here,
It indeed happens,
Once a year.

People, please don't have any fear,
As I attempt to get into high gear,
And write one poem a day,
Be it if there's rain
Or more than one sun ray.

My poems may not have much flow,
But I'm hoping,
At some point,
Improvement will show.

Poetry I will write,
Even if it takes all night.
Thirty in all,
Some will be small,
And some tall.

So, sit back and enjoy,
Or roll your eyes,
And say,
Oh boy.

The End

PS = An announcement - today is the one year anniversary of my blog. Time sure flies by!