Saturday, April 25, 2015

Writing Class Update

My writing class is soon coming to an end; this week will be the final session.  I am nervous and excited to present my final work, and obtain feedback and comments from my classmates.

I'm also a bit sad that the class is wrapping up, because what I really loved was the structure and immediate feedback and interactiveness received.  My classmates each have such a unique voice, and some of their writing was out of this world.  I hope to one day see them published, because their writing just sucked me into their characters' lives.  It truly was a mind-altering journey.  Who would have thought?  I have so much respect for people who are good story-tellers, and see that it just makes you feel really good, once you have created something.  I finally get why some people choose to major in English Literature and/or Creative Writing.

Once the class is over, I am afraid that I won't find the time, motivation, and discipline to open up a word doc and continue to write.  I have some good starters for a story, and need to just get on it.  I guess, that will be my Resolution (yes, I know it's already 4/25, but I'm going to make an effort to create and further develop my story this year).

This has been by far the best class I have taken in a long, long time.  I had been encouraged to take such a class for many years now, but never had the motivation.  This year, though, something inside me just probed me to start writing.  And this class has truly opened up my heart and soul in a way I can't describe.  It was such a unique experience that I hope to carry with me long after this class is over.  And with that I will close my blog, as I plan to spend my weekend putting the final touches on my work before class time.