Monday, January 27, 2014

Poem #3 - A Grand Slam

Satisfying is nothing more,
And never a bore,
Than watching an exciting match at a Grand Slam,
Between the #2 and the #4 ranked player,
You know it won't be done in a cram.
The first set is tight,
The score is 6-6,
And off we are to a tie-breaker,
Oh, expect a fight,
To see who will be the taker.

Watching the underdog somehow pull through,
It is indeed once in a moon blue,
But that is the dream of a tennis fan,
Knowing with determination and soul,
One can,
Indeed pull ahead,
And add to one's cred,
That one deserves a final to win,
And move to the next round,
With your arms up in the air,
And a big, wide grin.

The start of the second set,
The opponent tries a different tactic,
And this time won't let,
Won't fall for the same trick,
And of the set let go,
For if he did,
It would indeed be a major blow.

Now in the 3rd set,
It's a coin toss,
But the underdog manages to come on top,
One more,
He thinks,
I must not let it drop.

The 4th leads to a tie-breaker one more,
The opponent pumps his fist,
Even though he is sore,
And manages a win,
Oh, how he would like to add this match,
To his winning list.

Oh, how wild goes the crowd,
Very noisy and loud,
The umpire for quiet he requests,
So that the players can focus on the 5th set,
And not make a mess.

The underdog once more fights,
With all the energy and heart he can muster,
A tennis fan would know,
His performance lacks no luster.
And somehow he finds himself in a position,
To serve for the match,
And there he is,
Just one remaining point,
Down the middle an ace,
And voila,
He has finished the race.

The End

Monday, January 20, 2014

Poem #2 - The Perfect Sunday

The perfect Sunday,
Is to sleep, and sleep and sleep,
Oh so very deep,
Until one is ready to open one's eyes,
But still stay snuggled under the blankets,
Until one is absolutely really ready to rise.

It shouldn't matter that it is already noon,
For what is the rush to get up so soon?
The alarm clock has an off day,
And has definitely lost its say,
That it is get up time,
So no ring tone to chime.

The perfect Sunday,
Is to stay snuggled in bed,
Until one feels ready to lift one's head,
And then gently stretch one's legs,
And head to the kitchen,
Where the body begs,
For a steaming cappuccino hot,
Isn't it wonderful to have to step outside not?

To then bring the cup to the couch,
And under a blanket one again goes,
With no worries that outside the wind coldly blows .
Putting on some lovely music...indie pop, perhaps,
And then curl up with a book,
And oh how easily time will just lapse.

Indeed this represents the perfect Sunday,
With no worry, whether rain or shine,
Indeed it is the best time for relaxation,
With lunch time in 3 hours,
That is just an approximation,
And dinner can be scheduled at will,
When one feels the tummy needs a fill,
Not following a schedule,
For the body is like a car,
That needs rest and refuel.

The End

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Poem #1 - Ode to Winter

Refreshing feels nothing more,
When I open wide the main door,
And out I race,
Feeling the touch,
Of snow flakes falling on my face.

I take a breath so deep,
As I let the outdoor oxygen awaken me,
So that I want to jump and leap,
Oh, I feel so young and free.

Not enough snow yet to build a snowman,
But that's okay,
For just running the snow through my hand,
Is enough of a plan.

I love this season very much so,
And as long as there isn't a storm accompaniment,
I light up and glow,
Like a little child that's bent,
On opening presents up that by loved ones were sent.

The End

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Coffee Machine - Round 2

First off, a very Happy New Year. 

Second, as you can see from my previous posting, I had my first encounter with the DeLonghi espresso coffee machine (EC6 model).  I tried making cappuccino a few more times with this machine on the last day of 2013, as well as on New Year's, but failed each time.  The problem was with the filter holder that needed to be attached to the device.  Each time the hot water came through, the filter holder would collapse. 

Obviously, a much bigger problem, as my skin was scalded with piping hot water drops.  I realized then that this machine had a defect, as the filter holder could not be firmly set in its place (even after 10-15 minutes of fumbling and trying different techniques).  With much frustration, I finally had to clean up the machine, put it back in its original box, and return it to the store.

So I hunted for another inexpensive machine, and stumbled upon a Krups, which was almost identical in shape and size as the DeLonghi.  Why not? I thought.  It was reasonably priced (compared to the fancy overpriced machines being sold next to it). 

I picked it up, read the manual, which said that the first use must be done with water only.  Only once it was used, could coffee be added to the filter.  Here, I held my breath, for filter holders make me a bit nervous now.  I added the coffee, and put the filter holder in its place.  It was a relief to see the holder was much sturdier, and didn't even so much as budge when the water came through. 

The milk frother is also much more user-friendly, though some of the milk still splashed around, and the steamer went on for a bit longer than I was comfortable with (i.e., the milk ended up overflowing).  Oh well.  With practice, I hope to improve and become more precise with the water and milk measurements.

Here is my final creation - a steaming hot cup of cappuccino.  And yes, I wiped off most of the milk from the counter before this picture was taken :)