Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon released today

New Moon from the Twilight series was released in theaters today. I had purchased my ticket a week prior, because I just knew that it would be sold out if I waited until November 20th, no matter what time of day I went.

So, with great anticipation, I showed up 40 minutes before showtime at 1pm with my precious ticket, hoping to get a good seat. I had bought a soda and had popcorn with me (yeah, I refuse to pay theater prices for the popcorn....there's always the supermarket or local drugstore where you can get a smaller packet cheaper). I was greeted with a long, long line of people waiting to get admitted to the theater - most of them were teenagers...I'm like, are you kidding me? Shouldn't they be in school at about this time? Anyway, I made my way to the line, and we waited, and waited, and waited for them to let us into the theater. Finally, the time came (5 minutes to 1pm), and by then the number of people behind me was about 60 or so. One of the ladies, a woman in her 40s cut in front of me and a group of teens. We were not happy, and outwalked her, when the line started moving faster...ha, ha. Don't mess with me, when it comes to my goals :)

Anyway, was glad to see that the theater we were in was huge. I got a seat, almost smack center in the middle (yeah). And then the trailers started. I was like, oh hurry up already. I was very impatient. Finally, finally, the "Summit Entertainment" sign came on and a full moon was displayed. I was like, it's about time. Unfortunately, with all the waiting, and sipping soda, I was starting to get uncomfortable. I needed to use the bathroom, but held on for another 40 minutes. But, it was nagging. So finally, I got up real quick and excused myself. Thankfully, the ladies room was right outside. I've never gone that fast. I was back in under 2 minutes (and yes, I did wash my hands with soap....because I am not a gross person).

I loved the movie, The director really captured the essence of the book. It's hard to summarize a thick book into a 2 hour 10 minute movie, but Chris Weitz did a good job. The audience was quite vocal during the movie as well (let's just say there was a lot of giggling, oohing and aaahing).

The audience was mostly female in the "young adult" age group (13-19 year olds). While I am a bit older than that, I was pleased to see that the movie attracted a large number of people in my age group, as well as an older crowd. It's nice to see that there are other adults out there who enjoy these fantasy stories and are in essence either kids or teens at heart. Reality is sometimes just so boring or unbearable that fantasy is where you need to turn to find that pleasant state of mind.

Lastly, just wanted to say that the New York Times had a nice article and front/back full page poster of images of the New Moon movie last Sunday. I cut out the piece I liked best (i.e., Edward Cullen and Bella Swan), and removed images of the Volturi, as I don't want them to haunt me in my dreams, and pasted it on the back of a white sheet of paper, as the backside of the image appears to be of an ink make that leaves stains. Then I stuck it on the wall. Here's the image.

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